the move overseas has been occuring since before regulation of *accounting practices*. before, it was environmental regulations, minimum wages, employee rights, etc etc. perhaps you’d rather work 16 hour days for peanuts eating tainted sausage and living in a rat infested company apartment?
this is the second time you’ve used a result of deregulation as a reason for even less regulation; companies are free to move overseas due to the lack of trade restrictions.
how do investors protect themselves from co’s who lie? who cook the books? what about fund managers who make investments for you? do you do all your own homework on companies in which your 401k or pension is invested?
i bet you’d love the privatization of social security too. to give people the “ability” to invest their social security in the stock market. while at the same time removing regulations on accounting, marketing, whatever. boo hoo if people “chose” poorly, out on the street they go. no matter if snake oil corporation lied up and down about who they are, what they do and how much they make. too f’ing bad, eh?