Is it legal in California to raise rabbit/chicken for meal?
[quote=GreenGoddess]My family has been preparing for about 3 years now.. It’s been slow going due to finances but we are getting there.. We own chickens for eggs and meat, just got a few goats that will be bred for milk and will be getting a few rabbits in the very near future.. We have also been working on solar power to get off the grid.. Food is a hot topic when it comes to a SHTF scenario and unfortunately if you are like me, you don’t have the equipment, know how or space.. Here is one option we’ve found for long term food storage.. has dehydrated foods that just take water to prepare, Lasts 25 years, compact packaging and has many option available such as soy, gluten and lactose free as well as kosher.. If you want, you can order a freebie pack if you pay shipping so you can try it.. Everything I’ve had so far has been amazing! This may be a great place for someone to start![/quote]