. . . . Iraq also didn’t have any WMD (material) and wasn’t a threat, right . . . FYI:
Wow, you’re right! They had uranium yellowcake! This article scared me so much I just wet my pants! HOLY CRAP we really did need to invade! But I found something else much scarier — yellowcake is produced by all countries in which uranium is mined! And look at some of these countries! Kazakhstan, Niger, Namibia, Uzbekistan, and Brazil? They’ve all got yellowcake so they’re all threats too — everyone has heard about the threat of the Namibian nuclear bomb program. All they have to do is to use one of these simple techniques which requires only many billions of dollars and man-years of effort to implement so we’d better invade because THEY’VE GOT YELLOWCAKE! They’re gonna make us eat their YELLOW CAKES! We’d probably get really sick. I’m gonna go turn on my TV and wait for instructions on what to do about this VERY DANGEROUS situation!!!