If you really think of commodities as an invesmtment maybe you can let me know their earnings and dividend yield? What, there is none? So your complete bet (and it is a bet, not an investment) is a one way movement in price? You don’t even begin to understand the depths of the dynamics and yet you want to leverage up some high cost debt because you “feel” the time is right.
IONEGARM, you obviously don’t take any risk hence your comments. Earnings or yield? Let’s see how many companies have earnings or produce yields over the next few years. You may have forgotten we are the brink of one of the biggest economic disasters of mankind. You are ignorant if you don’t think gold and silver will be the drug of choice over the long term. The US dollar is done, no longer will it be the reserve currency. We are run by a socialist movement that will destroy this country and YOU, as ignorant as you are, will be the one who isn’t prepared.
Every risk I take is calculated and I am highly diversified in other areas. I haven’t been successful sitting on the sidelines putting others down. I try to learn from others and I am first to admit not always right. Maybe one day you learn that negativity won’t get you too far, but that’s doubtful.
Thanks again to all other Piggs here. I guess I am the dumb one here for asking questions!!