[quote investor]
This was the first blog that I have written on. I didn’t think that the responses would be so verbally violent, but I guess they are.
[quote investor]
When I blog, I concentrate on content rather than having it published.
Which is it? This is the first blog you have written on or do you do it in general?
Realize that on forums such as this, you may get back as you deliver. You are likely to not have people agree with you. If you react by quoting and repeating your contentions with an added ‘barb’ to the effect that the person is a twit for not agreeing with you.. you may get it back with added ‘english’.
[quote investor]
They don’t mean anything as an investor except that I make 550 K per year gross income from them.
Humm.. considering the amount, only medical field generates that type of income from doctorates. Mostly in the area of Surgical Subspecialist. It is rare that any other field will. What seems to be a contra-indicator is that you have this much time to spend on this blog.
Your statement:
[quote investor]
, having bought and sold 7.7 million worth of real estate (both side of the sales side now)
would indicate that you are currently working Real Estate vs medical. The Real Estate field does not utilize doctorates. The italicized portion would be the explicit part I am referring to.