The creature book says that the central banks desire to control the whole worlds money supply so it can make even more money off of us. This is the motive behind bankrupting the US dollar, which is the main currency stopping a one world money. Spend it untill no-one wants it and it becomes worthless. That does sound like a conspiracy theory but one that I find hard to poke holes in. I hope that this one example helps. There are many more ways that the US dollar finds its way out of the fed and into other countries. Read this book as well as others.[/quote]
Lets see. US banks, that hold the vast majority of their investments in US dollars, are trying to intentionally bankrupt the US, in order to make the dollar worthless.
Wow, no holes in that theory i can spot. Maybe someone else can spot a flaw.
(Might want to spend a few hours researching the CFR and Bilderberg Group too. Those are also parties you aren’t invited to.)