[quote investor]
People that pick on trivial items (like typos) in order to smear someone can be little jerks that like to tag along on the heals of bigger people.
Depends.. if you start beating your chest with statements like:
[quote investor]
Not that I don’t appreciate degrees. (I have more that you and Dave from Fallbrook combined, by the way.)
and then make simple 3rd grade mistakes.. It opens up the question as to whether the statement is true and whether the ‘person behind the mask’ is being truthful.
[quote investor]
I guess I set myself up by responding to their academic credentials and then mis-spelling colleges.
True, true.. it is safer not to resort to ‘sword fights’ because if you live by the.. you can…
And there were many more mistakes than just collage/college(s). That is when it really became problematic. One can be almost typo-ish, but when it continues..
Or if done(sword fight started), be pedantic about ones own spelling and grammar.
You never know what the real creds are of the other ‘people behind masks’.
Below may be rated ‘M’:
for those not hearing of the term as being used above:
“sword fight” = “a dick size competition”
in vernacular.