[quote=investor]I don’t want to reveal them for fear of some of you jerk-offs not respecting someone else’s privacy, not one bit
Investor: Puh-leeze. If you think for one second that I care about who you are, or would violate your privacy, well, we need to add “paranoid” to your profile.
This is like arguing with a 10 year old. Once we knock down the nonsense about your professorship at Princeton and demolish your various, factually unsupported arguments, you careen off into an entirely new direction, in that we’re now out to get you.
You can abandon the palaver about your PhDs. They don’t exist. We all know it, and you know it. For the record, I never brought up degrees, either. I brought up professional backgrounds (CPA in SK’s case, banking in Dave’s) and as means of pointing out that they probably knew a thing or two of which they spoke. Apparently, you felt that your pushing of falsified academic credentials would then catapult you into an advantaged position and quiet down all those little people and their irritating, fact-based questions. Not so much, huh?