Further, you had professionals like SK (CPA) and Davelj (banking and finance) weighing in and offering excellent insights on the subject and you’re retorting with Wiki entries and an added dollop of Griffin.
I didn’t bring up credentials first. SV from CV and Allen from Fallbrook did, as I have said.
Umm.. you are smoking something. You can’t claim it was offered up by davelj and SK.. it was not a ‘self-claim’, and as previously posted, it was relevant.. and not a ‘sword fight’.
Here is davelj’s statement
[quote davelj]
I have NEVER brought it up out of the blue because, frankly, I think it detracts from the conversation and, as I’ve noted, I think degrees are over-rated. Consequently, it is largely irrelevant. You, on the other hand, clearly believe the opposite, which is why you brought it up in the first place.
so was your quote in reply about bringing up degrees addressed to davelj or to Allan from Fallbrook who actually made the statements?