[quote investor]
Because with the trade inbalance, all of our gold would have left our shores in no time. Without gold as a stopper to the printing of fiat money, the US government could also print us into defecit spending which the politicians like.
At the time we went off the gold standard, the trade imbalance was in our favor.. try again.
[quote investor]
The fractional banking system is a small part of the federal reserve. It is so “fractional” now that there is nothing behind the debt but more debt as far as you can see.
You went off on a tangent here.. and the statement is unsupported by anything posted.
[quote investor]
Griffin being a purple sky’er may or may not be true. More people than him believe that there is a deep movement towards world socialism. Hard to prove though
You are avoiding the point and the question.. how do you take the approach of proving something to someone who would rather believe the sky is purple.
[quote investor]
Hard to prove though. Ron paul, robert kyossaki, bill still are a few that I know of.
Ron Paul – means well, but does not understand banking. His goal to keep gov. spending in line is good. He doesn’t understand that a gov. has to work in reverse from a business. When revenues(tax) is high, you shouldn’t spend and when revenues(tax) is low – you should spend. This is constrained by median tax revenues. In this manner, the gov. spending will help slow down a bubble and stimulate in a recession. The problem is that career politicians only like one thing — spending to buy the votes and stay in office (ok.. two or three). Most people who go into politics either become twisted by it or end up being revolted by it.
Robert Kyossaki – last name is spelled Kiyosaki. His claims on performance have been discredited, as well as his claims that his dad was a poor dad. If you remember back, he even gave credibility/support to Casey Serin in his activities. Kiyosaki’s primary source of income is the selling of his ‘self-help’ books/publications/CDs/DVDs. I would recommend not using him as a reference to support any positions.
Bill Still – Largely unknown outside of his publications, which is really his claim to fame.
[quote investor]
Please get the “money matters” DVD and let me know what you think of it. It is concentrated on the formation of central banking and is easy to watch.
1) It was not worth the money.. returned the copy I borrowed.
2) Anything that makes something easy to watch, is trying to sell me as opposed to educate me.
[quote investor]
What you are describing is the increase in bureaucracy, not the deeper movement towards a one world socialistic government, with a one world money supply.
Nope.. I was using that to explain why government tries to get larger. I made it simple by putting my replies under your quotes.
The people who want the socialistic gov with one world money supply are the governments because it extends their power. It makes their bureaucracy larger.
[quote investor]
Traders in currency are nowhere deep enough in the scheme of things to discount the possibility of above. They are traders feeding off of the system. Not the movers of it.
Right.. tell that to Thailand. You resist currency movement, you can bankrupt a country. This really shows that you need to really look at what it is. My point was and still is; the monied interest does not want to go to a one currency model because it is able to make significant amount of money off ‘carry trade’ and ‘currency arbitrage’.