Allen brought up the fact that he knew some seal members in another thread. People that pick on trivial items (like typos) in order to smear someone can be little jerks that like to tag along on the heals of bigger people. If Allen was a ranger, he does not need to tag along on the heals of anyone. I spent 5 years in the air force and I have a lot of respect for other military members. I just don’t see why Allen has to resort to typos and smearing someone for them in order to make his intellectual points. As for the degrees out my ass, read the last post on page too (oooh, oooh he did it again. Allen, SV CV. davelj lookie, lookie!!!), to see where Allen and SV cv brought it up from the federal reserve thread, not me. I guess I set myself up by responding to their academic credentials and then mis-spelling colleges.[/quote]
Investor: That whooshing sound is the point going clear over your head.
It wasn’t the typos I was pointing out, it was your inability to formulate a proper argument, combined with a very poor set of writing skills, including hackneyed grammar and syntax. Words mean things, and the ability to make one’s point cogently speaks volumes about education, upbringing and interpersonal skills.
Its analogous to someone standing on a street corner, wearing an “End is Near” sandwich board, and fulminating at everyone within earshot that we’re all doomed. Perhaps we are, but the speaker has no credibility with his potential listeners because of who he is and how his message is framed.
Same goes for you. You stridently demand that others answer your questions, but you don’t bother to answer theirs (unless, of course, they agree with you). You don’t engage in honest debate, and instead retreat behind name calling, or throw out your supposed academic prowess as a means to silence others. Like I said, if you want to debate this honestly, step up. Otherwise, its just more bloviating and watching this painful cut-and-paste tirade. Speaking of which, the instructions for posting, including quoting others, is contained below your comment when you reply. Just FYI.