[quote=investor]absolutely. Both parties are to blame. But, what do we do about the fed?[/quote]
Investor: Tagging along with SK’s “assuming facts not in evidence”: It looks to me as though you’re continuing to bootstrap (using Griffin’s accusations) up into a full-blown conspiracy involving the Fed.
Starting with your assertion that the Fed has not been subjected to a “complete” or “full” audit (and you haven’t defined what these terms mean), and then moving to “secret voice votes” (from an unsubstantiated Wiki entry) and sub rosa loans to Europe (and I don’t know where the heck this came from), you’ve moved to a belief that the Fed is behind a set of evil machinations designed to deprive us of our currency and freedom.
All due respect here, but this reads like a Dan Brown novel (and, yes, I think Dan Brown is an idiot. Perhaps not as much an idiot as Nicholas Sparks, who should be subjected to the worst tortures of the Spanish Inquisition and Stalin’s NKVD combined, but an idiot nonetheless.).