[quote=investor] What is interesting is that no one had any info better than what griffin had on pages 195 to 201 of his book.
I repeat, not one post offered any new information on the money flow through the fed. I find that very illuminating.[/quote]
First of all, I doubt anyone here but yourself has bothered to read Griffin’s book (correct me if I’m wrong, “anyone”). Secondly, even if they had, I doubt anyone’s going to spend thousands of words rebutting SIX pages of points made by Griffin regarding the money flow through the Fed.
I could point to some obscure book on finance that spends six pages making some obscure point and then say, “See? No one is willing to refute the author’s point, therefore it must be correct!!”
Speaking for myself – I just don’t care enough what you think or why you think it to bother. And I doubt anyone else here does either. That should not be particularly illuminating.