[quote=investor]… I fear that when that happens, not if, the collapse will be an excuse to start a one world money supply, goverened by one large central bank.[/quote]
Among the many things to fear and worry about, I believe you truly do not need to fear that, investor.
Nationalist/tribal tendencies are too strong. You think you’re going to get 6 billion people (or even just say their 200 leaders) to agree on *anything*, you’re crazy.
It seems to me the Euro will be lucky to hold onto its current adherents, let alone grow. And it’s a far, far cry from there to a Euro/Dollar union.
And then after that you think the Renmimbi will just come on board too? Try to picture those discussions…
I guess you postulated some kind of collapse as a precondition. Even if I believed in such a collapse (which I don’t) I don’t think the likely result would be *larger* entities, I think the likely result would be more localized entities and more anarchy, not a mindnumbing uniformity.
If you can’t even get Europe to agree with itself, how do you possibly make the leap to a single central bank?