Investor: Which “Money Matters” film are you referencing? There’s an excellent chance I’ve seen it already, but I’m curious as to the author.
So we’re clear, I never said or even implied that you’re Griffin (book’s author). I did say, however, that Griffin was a noted crank and this sort of background impinges on his writings. Like it or not, it goes to credibility.
Also, so we’re clear: The Fed is audited annually and the results are published. You make a good point regarding ownership and I’ll cheerfully concede that point. But, and this is important as well, that lack of ownership transparency does not mean that there’s a conspiracy afoot or a cover-up taking place. The Fed absolutely should make the ownership public and offer as much transparency as they can without compromising operations or security.
All of this is said with an eye towards reciprocity. You need to be able to parse opposing responses without taking offense or treating someone disagreeing with you as a mortal enemy. As far as you taking shots at me, have at it. We’re all adults here and I could personally care less. I don’t take it to heart, nor should you.