WRT the pandemic agree that americans by in large do not have much discipline (and the number of deaths in the USA is a reflection)
WRT his thoughts on “debt” disagree
@53:10 yet from a u.s point of view looking at internal debt it’s totally irrelevant
this is because I wonder about the economic drag and social disruption caused by pension debt obligations owed public union workers,… to illustrate an example consider prop 15 (risk vs reward) by the numbers,…
[quote] A record number of companies are leaving California for states with a better business climate, and a new report shows that Texas remains their No. 1 destination.
The study estimates that 1,800 relocation or “disinvestment events” occurred in 2016, the most recent year available, setting a record yearly high going back to 2008. About 13,000 companies left the state during that nine-year period.
During the study period, 275,000 jobs and $76.7 billion in capital funds were diverted out of California.
If voters approve Proposition 15 in November, a state analyst says it will generate between $8 billion and $12.5 billion in new tax revenues for the state each year.
According to the measure, 60% of the money would go to local governments and 40% would go to schools, including K through 12 and community colleges.
Since 2017 The California Assessors’ Association (CAA), has monitored and analyzed the administrative complexities and estimated costs of implementing two proposed initiatives commonly referred to as “split-roll initiatives.” These initiatives generally would require regular reassessment of Commercial and Industrial property at current market value, and would eliminate Proposition 13 protections for significant numbers of those properties. “TheCaliforniaSchoolsandLocalCommunitiesFundingActof 2020”, the most recent version of “Split-Roll” has now qualified for the November 3, 2020 ballot.
• Cost to implement is projected at $1.01 Billion during the three-year phase in period
• Implementation would require a trained workforce that is not available today and would not be available for many years.
…given the immense anticipated Statewide implementation costs and complexities, as well as the disparate impacts to the various California counties we are compelled to oppose this initiative. The California Assessors’ Association advises a no vote on The California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act of 2020 (initiative No. 19-0008-Amendment 1) on the November 3, 2020 ballot.