Instead of chasing down all those has-been opportunistic bimbos and paying them to talk trash about Trump over the airwaves, I think the Clinton campaign would do well at this point to focus on Ms. Clinton’s answers in the upcoming debate should the moderator ask her for a clarification on what she told Brazilian Bankers in a $225K a head speech in 2013 (compared to what she told the American people on the campaign trail over the past year), since her VP candidate managed to completely skirt the issue when asked by Jake Tapper:
Clinton’s comments — she apparently told an audience that her “dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders” — are at odds with statements she has made on the campaign trail in which she has called for more restrictive trade policies in order to protect American workers.
And that one speech transcript is just the tip of the iceberg, folks. Many messages in the several wikileaks document dumps of Clinton campaign e-mails to/from the candidate, her campaign aides, surrogates and even the POTUS are diametrically opposed to the “platform” she is running on . . . the one which she has been extolling to the American people. It is now beyond clear that she and/or her campaign have (brazenly and successfully) colluded with the President, his cabinet members and US Agency Heads as well as members of the MSM expressly to control the narrative on her in the MSM, give her an unfair advantage over her opponent in at least one of the debates, keep herself out of legal trouble and in general, keep her shirtsleeves clean … at least until after the election.