[quote=infoseeker]We would like to understand remodelling costs (material+labor) for each of the following. We know there will be a big range based on what we want but would like to get some ballpark to keep in mind before making an offer on a home that requires remodelling…
1. 450 sq feet of hardwood flooring
2. Traveltine Tile flooring for a 150 sq feet kitchen
3. Granite Countertop — granite area may be 40 sq ft
4. Interior custom paint for a 2400 sq ft home
5. Masterbath remodel — (tile flooring, shower tiles and countertop)[/quote]
prices I seen so far…
1. ~$5/sqft + ~$3/sqft install = $8/sqft, $3600
2. ~$3/sqft (look for it in Home Depot) + $4/sqft install = $7/sqft, $1050
3. $3-4k?
4. ~$3000 for paint
5. ~10k?
total $18-20k