Info I was getting is he’s not a patrol officer, nor traffic. Not confirmed, but somewhat speculating a copter cop.
I think it’s a disgrace to decent cops out there. Yes, I know there are plenty of other people who trashed their house and got away w/it. And I do remember the guy who mowed down his house and got away w/it, claiming he was going to do a remodel and ran out of money. Short of burning the house down, people are getting away w/it.
But all of this is no excuse. A cop should be held to a higher standard and honor his uniform. And a realtor, come on. As if the realtors don’t have enough blame for this bubble, they certainly don’t need to go around trashing the place after they are foreclosed upon.
I mean, it’s just hard for me to feel sorry for them. I just can’t bring myself to do it. I can’t feel sorry for stupid people when they should have known better. It bypasses stupidity and lands on the door of greed. I’m sure both these people passed math in school. They must have been able to calculate their bills and figure out if they’re living w/in their means.
So in the end, I feel sorry more for all the people who did not partake in the bubble who are renting and are still getting screwed.