In this instance it would be difficult to prove that the landlord actually entered the property. But I would definitely follow the advice of sending a certified letter noting that he was on your property without the proper notice.
It is possible (but maybe not likely) that he pulled in the driveway without entering your house and the same day that you forgot to lock your door*.
Don’t know if using your driveway is an offense.
Regardless, protect your rights. Take some action. Document the incident and notify the landlord and protect yourself. I would consider requesting a chain lock or dead-bolt installed on each door so that you can at least lock your home while you are in it in case the landlord is a creep.
* Yes, it could happen. Twice in the last three years I left the house and came back to a wide open front door. Not just un-locked, but wide open. In both cases, I had left something in the house that I planned to go back and grab after loading kids in the car, but forgot to go back. Forgetting to lock a door is a possibility. On the same day the landlord mysteriously is seen leaving the driveway ? Maybe not.
Also, for reference in 2008 or 2009 when it’s time to consider buying …. how much is it worth to not have a landlord when computing rent vs own ?