In my view the people that put it all on the line and bust their asses to keep people employed deserve the success they achieve.
Agree!!! Problem is, most of the **truly rich** people do not take these risks.
Hedge fund managers, CEOs, etc…even entertainers and athletes, do NOT take the same risks as someone who **uses their own capital** and **risks losing all his/her personal assets** if something fails.
How many times have we seen politicians, executives, fund managers and other financial “wizards” fail miserably only to be given another job within weeks. This after receiving millions or billions from their former ventures (irrespective of their success/failure) and they somehow manage to escape any personal liability.
If you want corporate protection against personal liability, you are NOT taking risks commensurate with the rewards.
If you are a sole proprietor and take the risks **personally** I have no problem with you charging/making whatever you want. Oddly enough, the few people I knew who ran their own companies like this often made less than their employess (like you). They understood that the company came first, and sometimes they would have to suffer in order to benefit at a later time.
Corporations shield greedy f**ks from any liability. Even criminal charges are rare because these players pay politicians for protection.
The game is rigged, and that is what most of us “socialists” are opposed to.