In my opinion, the fundamental difference between bulls and bears is that bulls are focused on making money, while bears are more interested in not losing it.
Ergo, bears perpetually harp about fundamentals, whilst bulls see nothing but sunshine and rainbows.
Yes, this is bear board. Yes, the real world is a bull market except when we are in a recession. This is not news to anyone.
what is the history of the labels bull and bear? i only recently got why steven colbert hates bears…
historically, the real world is a bitch. every empire past is past because… well, because they’re no longer present.
bulls produce bears; feeding frenzies lead to starvation and collapse. not to mention “inflation”, an arbitrary, even obtuse term used to hide the effects of population growth.
look at a stock market chart in linear, not log scale. explosive growth in the stock market coincides about with the invention of the 401k… doesn’t seem to be much question about why there’s a bull market in stocks under that light; 401k’s make stock market investment easy peasy. the depression generation were mostly gone and fear of the stock market eased. with stagnant middle class incomes, negative savings rates, the current housing equity crisis, national debt, increasing taxes, decreasing workforce… and the retiring of the baby boomers (and the subsequent draw downs of their 401k’s), the (american) stock market looks more like it’s been in the midst of a 30 year bubble run. the past 7 years have been relatively flat and stagnant in terms of stock values, is it a plateau? a peak?
401k invented around late 70’s. average age of boomer at that time, 30’s? as the boomers hit their career strides as well as greater marketing/acceptance of the 401, you see mid 1980, the point in which the dow makes it’s run for the sky. 2007, boomers are in their 60’s, some retiring earlier than others, but retiring all the same…