In fact, if I had a choice of leaving my daughter in the hands of a church full of people or an atheist club full of people, I’d pick the latter.
Well, being an atheist myself, thanks for your confidence.
As we’re in the “off topic” section of the forum, I’ll throw my opinion into the ring.
Belief is a good thing, for some people; it allows those that cannot accept the randomness of their existence to make it through the day. Blind faith is a crutch that some people need and I’d never want to take it away from them.
Myself? Well, I don’t need a bible or the fear of hell to not do bad things – I pride myself on being a good citizen and contributing to society. However, I’m thankful that those lacking in similar moral fiber have a smattering of commandments and some religious fear and guilt to keep them in line. If it weren’t for religion we’d have anarchy, because most people would go insane without some kind of “higher” purpose and reason for their otherwise meaningless existence.
Opium for the masses? Sure. But keep it coming. You keep your opium, and I’ll keep on enjoying my life, contributing to the world, and being happy.