In Eastlake Hills (91913 – circa ’87-92), I believe the MR were apportioned acc to the sq footage of the home. Actually, most of these MR bonds were 20 yr and are now retired. These owners still have two HOA’s to pay mo dues to, however, or they can choose to pay the Master Assn annually.
In several tracts of Rancho Del Rey (91910 – circa ’91-92), this MR used for “street bonds” around the approx four mile circle was also for 20 years and I believe this MR was also apportioned to owners depending on their sq footage (not sure, going to check on this one).
flu, the MR in parts of 91914 and all of 91915 is HUGE. In many cases, it amounts to more than 2.73% of assessed value, when added into the Prop 13 portion of the tax! This is really wacky for those properties just 1400-1700 sf on a 3400 sf lot. The MR + taxes + 2 HOA dues are often MORE per month than the P&I + annual insurance premium. Remember that these areas ALSO pay all those “voter approved” school bonds you see on the tax bill + the MR for their *new* schools!
edit: I’ll provide a tax bill illustrating the extremely HIGH MR owners are paying in 91914/91915 (in relation to assessed value) when I return.