In CA coastal counties, the older stock in the best locations typically has substantially larger lots than newer tract-housing does. Schools aside, the younger cohort of Gen X and Gen Y typically do not want to spend time or money on extensive landscape and staunchly refuse to raise their children in a 1400-2200 sf house when they can get a 3000+ sf house in the far-flung lizard-infested stix for the same price or less.
I read it, understand it, but still don’t “get” it:
PB seems to have a lot of cute older houses on small lots. Typically used as rentals, but I wouldn’t feel beneath living in one myself, and I’m in my early 30s. Are my tastes warped by being from the the East Coast, where age of housing doesn’t matter so much as quality? (Avg build date of homes in my immediate family is something like 1920).