In answer to your question, Scarlett, parents and students aren’t going to pay for programs they can’t get classes for and can’t finish. They aren’t going to pay to drive several hundred miles per week back and forth to different campuses just to get the classes to finish up. When parents and students figure out that they aren’t getting any value for their money in the CSU and UC systems, then enrollments may fall at such a rate that those system priorities will change in order to sustain itself. Until then, the status quo prevails. The twice yearly fee hikes are all about fueling the retirements of system instructors and employees and keeping their pension fund solvent. Right now, in most degree programs, a student is NOT guaranteed to graduate in four years if they successfully complete all coursework. They are unable to because the classes are simply not offered, or not enough classes are offered to meet the demand of the upperclassmen who have been admitted to a particular program and need those classes for graduation.