“Imprecise Technology-The gene
cut out is exact, but where it is inserted
in the target’s DNA is random.
• Side effects– “Genetic engineering is like performing heart surgery with a shovel. Scientists do not yet understand living systems… enough to perform DNA surgery without creating mutations which could be harmful to the environment and our health.”
• Widespread crop failure– Bioengineered seeds have the same DNA structure. If a fungus, virus or pest develops that attacks this crop, it
would be a widespread crop failure.
No long-term safety testing– Bioengineered foods use material that has never been consumed by humans. No one knows if these are safe.
• Decreased Nutritional Value– Bioengineered
foods can trick consumers into thinking they are fresh. A bright red bioengineered tomato could be old and have no nutritional value.
• Deadly effects– 37 died, 1500 were partially paralyzed, and 5000 more were temporarily disabled by a syndrome that was linked to tryptopohan
made by bioengineered bacteria.
Super weeds and super bugs can be caused by bioengineered foods. If a bioengineered food is pollinating, and a weed with flowers gets that pollen, then that weed will have the properties of the food, including the resistance to herbicides
and weed killers, a common trait of bioengineered foods. Super bugs will be even more resistant to
chemicals than current bugs, and you will have to use more chemicals.”