Imo, none of us are “entitled” anything in life–an education, a home, or the right to live in a certain place, etc., etc. That said, we’ve created a society in which a sense of entitlement is high. Many feel they should have everything they want–just for the asking–and when those expectations are not met, for whatever reasons, dissatisfaction (or worse) with life occurs.
Again, imo, this is what is happening with many young people today. Society, the educational system and even their parents–directly or indirectly–are encouraging them to believe they will get everything they want in life.
That’s great–we want our kids to reach for the moon if they want to–but, on the other hand, I also believe they need to be prepared to cope if things don’t go as planned. From the many we’ve seen who can’t or don’t cope with
reality–well–it’s not a pretty picture.