Imagine an ambitious person coming to the US from a foreign country. This person understands that in this country he is offered an incredible opportunity and infrastructure in which he can use his ambition to become very wealthy. He also understands and accepts the fact that once he becomes very successful in this country he will be required to pay large amounts of his wealth back into this system that allowed him to become so successful in the first place. I believe that most ambitious foreigners would jump at this chance. However, those of us born here take for granted the incredible opportunities that are available to us because of this “system”.
I am a gleeful taxpayer. I fantasize about the day when I am so financially successful that I have to pay tens of thousands of dollars in taxes. I feel sorry for the people who have reached that point and are still dissatisfied. They should just pause for a moment, take a deep breath and relax, and allow themselves a moment to appreciate how incredibly fortunate they are to have been born into this incredible country of opportunity.