Look, nobody likes to have their little bubble pricked, but the kind of senseless worship for somewhere that really has little to justify the real estate values experienced in recent times, is just plain silly. San Diego is OK comparatively speaking, but there’s nothing special about it. The weather is nice, but as soon as a cloud hovers near the sun, everyone is terrified, because they don’t want to face up to the truth. It’s classic Cinderella syndrome, and strong reactions against hearing the truth is so symptomatic of that. Hate me all want, but I have no special interest in saying anything other than what I truly believe to be the case. If everyone said, “Oh, you know its OK, it has its good and bad points like everywhere”, I can live with that …but making somewhere out to be paradise when it clearly isn’t is delusional, and then getting upset when told otherwise is childish.[/quote]
Dude, relax. I already pricked my own bubble (check out my username). Also, we all know you’re an ass (check out your username).