I’m really disgusted by both sides of the Prop 8 issue.
I’ll disclose, I’m seriously against Prop 8. I’m wearing a No on 8 sticker at work right now. I sneer every time I see a Yes on 8 sign, and honk and give thumbs ups to the No on 8 people I see in Hillcrest.
I’m appalled by all the sign stealing, vandalism, etc this issue has brought up. My friends are all liberals who are “No on 8” people, and a few people in my extended social circle have said things about social conservatives that made me sad. It’s exactly the kind of language that some social conservatives use about homosexuals. As Liberals we’re supposed to be better than that. We’re supposed to take the high road, turn the other cheek.
Unfortunately it’s one of those issues that is emotional, not rational. We also probably won’t know the final result until Thursday or so.