I’m not sure if anyone saw the episode with Obaman on BET a couple of months back, but it was actually quite interesting. They asked Obama a question about the number of Black American’s in prison. Obama went on to say that if he became our President he planned to have a civil rights police force policing the streets. This isn’t a joke, I just happened to be running through my channels a few months ago and saw this interview.
We don’t need a President who wants to start more race problems than we already have in this country. We are divided enough as it is. No President will ever bring this nation together because there are just too many different points of views. I would much rather vote for a man that is dealing with issues that are affecting us a country and not as race.
On the issue of Iraq, not to make light of the situation, but last month was the least deadliest month in Iraq since the war started. The US lost a total of 19 troops and 21 total troops died. http://icasualties.org/oif/ . I will be honest I still think we have a long way to go in that country, but I do believe we are moving in the right direction.
We need to get off the Iraq wagon and start focusing on what directly affects our country like North Korea and Iran and of course this global economic meltdown that we face. I haven’t heard much about either country as of late because it seems as though Obama and Hilary want to focus on the past and not the future. That said, McCain is far from a great selection to be our Commander and Cheif, but he seems to have a lot of experience in the areas which need the greatest attention.
Don’t vote for Obama because you think he is a great speaker or he is going to change the country because it won’t happen. Vote for Obama if you really feel like he motives are there. I believe Obama is a talented speaker and extremely savy salesman, but he doesn’t belong in the Oval Office IMHO.