I’m not quite sure what this letter has to do with the economy, or the housing crisis, but here are a few points of interest.
Political parties were switched back in Lincolns time. The Republicans then changed into the Dems now, and vise versa. Wikipedia has a nice summary of it.
This is a letter from one person. I don’t think this viewpoint is shared by many, and many African Americans are actively against it.
I just can’t see the government paying out for this. At what point does it stop? Do we also pay the Native American Indians for their land? What about the 100-300,000 Irish sold into slavery in America. Do we pay their descendants too? Why not also ask for reparations from the Arabs, or Africans who sold many of the slaves to the colonists
The world was a cruel, hard place, even 150 years ago. Everyone now realizes it was a barbaric thing to do, but at some point, people have to move on, or else we’ll be like the Middle-East, with unresolvable disputes going back 2000 years.