I’m not one for presenting analysis on data that is inherently flawed in so many respects. Did you read my comments on “How Much did this house sell for?” The data is riddled with examples like this. This sale was reported as a $1M sale when it was actually 10% less. This was a real sale by an agent that wanted to “keep the comps up” in their neighborhood and was willing to pay the extra taxes. Things like this happen all the time and distort the data so as to make much of it meaningless. That is why I don’t give a lot of creedence to “birds eye view” analysis in real estate and why I say the best analysis is from a local agent with the knowledge, skills and experience to do so. Most don’t posses this things, so the laughter I heard when I suggested this is completely understood. As for Bob, I dont have anything personal against him. I just have a hard time when ANYONE sitting behind a desk tries to come off as an expert without wearing out a lot of shoe leather.