I’m not from California, and find it to be one of the friendliest places I have lived in. However, it varies from neighborhood to neighborhood. Generally, large cities like London, Paris and New York, you don’t say “Hi!” or smile at people, because they’ll think you’re nuts …which you are if you behave that way in places where populations are so much more dense and mixed. Can you imagine walking through Times Square and saying “Hi!” to every living soul you pass. I quickly adopted and adapted and make a point of being friendly. Traditionally, small communities all knew each other, and a stranger in town was always greeted, because the response told you a lot about that person. Getting shirty with people because they don’t respond in the way that you would like doesn’t solve anything. They may be from a big city, a different culture or both. Better to lead by example. If it’s lost on some people, that’s their loss.