I’m NOT a fan of taxes and I agree California has way too many taxes. But this isn’t the environment/climate/economy for people making $50+ million a year to complain about high taxes.
It’s clear his PR team (and probably sponsors) had no clue he was going to do this and they would have NOT approved. Hence the public apology.
I don’t feel sorry for the taxes Phil pays just like I don’t feel sorry for all the taxes the CEO of Goldman Sachs pays each year.
Phil doesn’t seem like the type that could stay over in Singapore and raise his family. Will he end up in Florida or Texas and establishing residency there? Probably. Phil is free to complain about taxes but he has to accept the flack he will take from the public.
In today’s environment where there is such a sense of entitlement from people that want wealthy to support them, it’s probably better to lay low and not let people know you make $50 million a year. Most people probably never imagined that Phil made this kind of money each year. And many of them have an image of him now as a spoiled wealthy guy making tens of millions a year complaining about taxes.
Again, I’m not saying he isn’t right the taxes are too high in California, but he will get VERY few that feel sorry for him making the kind of money he does. Especially for being in a sport which he loves.