I’m inserting Partypup’s post from another thread:
JP: my favorite merchants are apmex.com
Kitco.com is also a major metals dealer. I’ve never bought from them personally, but they are one of the biggest in the business, and I’ve never heard a negative thing about them.
Bullion is the preferred way to hold physical, I believe. Stick to widely-recognized 1 oz. minted coins like Krugerrands, Canadian Maple Leafs, American Eagles, Austrian Philharmonics and Australian Kangaroos. I stay away from coins minted from China and other non-Western countries. When TSHTF, you want to be able to easily barter/sell/trade with known quantities.
Same goes for silver. Although it’s so damn heavy that it’s actually worthwhile and preferable to go with 100 oz bars (if you can find them).
Whatever you do, DON’T buy stocks/ETFs or certificates. Make sure you hold the real stuff in your hands. When the hammer falls, you absolutely don’t want to be caught with paper.