I’m in a transition right now as I just sold my company. I put a small amount of money into the stock market and a large amount into municipal bonds – had to hold back my broker, kicking and screaming, to only put a small amount in, and of course everything he has bought including the municipal bonds are down.
I’m trying to reign in my spending ways, but can’t resist eating out…
I am, however, pledged to keep living off the interest and downsize somewhat. One way was not buying a house. Best decision I ever made. I was one signature away from buying a house in La Jolla, glad I am renting here instead.
I’ve realized one sad truth… That fear sells better than kindness, logic loses to hatred, economic fairness loses to the fear that someone will take your job… The Republican’s are much better communicators – the Democrats are too liberal and logical and it seems to many folks that they are weak – instead of just trying to build a better society (vs. keeping all the dough to themselves).
Imagine of people voted for the party which actually represented them? Vs. the party which has the best message of fear? People are suckers.