I’m going to go waaaay out on a limb here and open myself up to lots of flamage, but I don’t think racism is necessarily taught at all. IMHO, racism *can* be taught, but it can also come about as the result of personal experience with people from other races.
If a white man was mugged by black men on three occasions (but never by a white man, even though he lives in a predominantly white neighborhood), I’m willing to bet he would end up with “racist” tendencies. A general dislike of certain (perhaps violent, vulgar, or otherwise offensive) behaviors found in other cultures that are linked to race might also make one perceive that race in a different way…and feel some disdain for them, generally.
This is why, if people are serious about reducing or eliminating racism, it’s imperative that leaders of the black community work toward reducing those behaviors among their “youth” that makes others view them in such a negative way. It’s time for a more honest understanding of where “racism” comes from.