I’m going to be a bit clearer about what I mean. I have only followed the housing drama for the last year or so. We moved out to CA about three years ago, and I was amazed at what people were willing to pay to live. I still am. I am sometimes amazed at what I am willing to pay, but then again I remember that this reality is all made up anyways. It is all a game. All a virtual construct of our emotions and thoughts taking form.
But I digress. Two and a half years ago, six months after we moved to this state, I was talking with a neighbor about the cost of housing, the insanity that was pushing prices higher and higher (we were in Sonoma county at the time), and I looked at him and said, “It’s all going to come crashing down”. To which he replied, “No it won’t, ’cause there will always be another idiot willing to pay.”
I walked away from that conversation without responding to his last statement because I have learned that it is pointless to argue with someone when I express a thought based on an emotion as strong as that one was. I have no way of substantiating my claims because my process is intuitive and emotional.
About a year later I was lead to Patrick’s housing crash website and saw there, on line, in words, exactly the thoughts that were in my head the day I had conversed with my neighbor. I have spent the last year, reading, every day, many housing blogs. I have spent the last year wondering when it was I was going to feel what it is I felt today.
In my opinion, intuitive and emotionally based as it may be, something big just shifted.