My dogs are outside dogs and even so, I lock them in their dog house every night. Dogs have a “den” instinct so they are actually quite comfortable in there. If you use a cage, put the cage against a wall and put a sheet over it so only one side (the entrance) is exposed. That will make a den they are comfortable in, as opposed to a cage with open sides all around. The difference in their comfort between a cage and a den is significant.
It takes a week or so for a puppy to feel comfortable all alone in the cage without whining. Like kids, if they don’t get attention in there, they’ll stop whining eventually. Heh, heh. Suggestions to make dogs more comfortable in their den the first few nights include – putting a radio in there that they can hear, a ticking clock, and a hot water bottle.
Crate training also pays dividends when travelling because if they grow up spending the night in a crate, they are more comfortable spending long stretches of time in one if needed.
I’m a fan of getting two dogs at the same time. They experience less separation issues from their owner because they have a buddy.