I’ll pass on listening to folks who think dinosaurs existed 6,000 years ago. Really, I will. And I’ll say that I thought we wanted our kids to go to good schools and get educated. But different ambition for different folks….
As an fyi, on who folks are listening to:
Mark Steyn (Canadian, no college degree)
Glenn Beck (ex alchoholic, no college degree)
Rush Limbaugh (little drug issue, no college degree)
Matt Drudge (341/365 in high school, no college degree)
Sean Hannity (no college degree)
Rachel Maddow (Stanford, Rhodes Scholar)
Keith Olbermann (Cornell)
Al Franken (Harvard)
Jon Stewart (William and Mary)
Stephen Colbert (Northwestern)
For more data points
George WIll (PhD Princeton)
David Brooks (University of Chicago).
When Parker, Will, Brooks and Noonan start complaining about the anti-education bent of the Republican party maybe some of you party faithful should listen? You’ve lost all the Rockefeller Republicans (like myself) in the past 14 years and it just seems to be getting worse.