Ignor anyone who discusses energy unless they incorporate the new elephant in the room: abundant, cheap, American-produced natural gas.
While the government, under both Bush and Obama, were busy picking winners and losers, the private sector and old-fashioned capitalism was pioneering in technology that will revolutionize our energy future. Natural gas is one fifth its recent high price, all because we’ve discovered new and better ways to extract it, and are doing so safely. As a result, coal-fired plants are being refitted to burn cleaner natural gas, trucks will soon follow, and consumers in America’s cold belt can count on lower heating costs indefinitely.
What’s really delicious is that cheap natural gas will render even more uneconomical the wind and solar “investments” our government has saddled us with. Subsidies for the bureaucrats’ favorite green industries will will be increasingly exposed for the waste they really are. The market system once again embarrasses the government as a means for allocating resources.