[quote=IForget]Thanks for the insight to the utter insanity of Ayn Rand, Arraya. Anyone who follows the ‘teachings’ of Ayn Rand is obviously delusional.
On the bright side, with the passage of Universal Health Care, the Ayn Rand freaks are on the run. The Republican party and the right wingers are well on their way to irrelevance. There will of course be some gnashing of teeth and kicking of those who are down before the final implosion, but right wing nutjobs are on their way to becoming extinct.
It’s funny, with the passage of universal health care, several of the right wingers I know are talking about leaving the country. That can only help the U.S. in the long-term as most of these folks are tax cheats who only look out for themselves. I look forward to living in a society where brother looks out for brother and all Americans are cared for regardless of ability to pay. Hallelujah![/quote]
I’m sure you do comrade. Why is it that the left’s only reply is the rhetorical trickeration of vilification?