If you’re right, then where are these “free market” countries with all the innovation and creativity? Are they in no/low-tax countries with no/few social safety nets, or are they in places where there is a stable government, rule of law, and safety nets for those who are less fortunate — along with the relatively high taxes required by those systems?
If you have to focus on basic survival (which is what you see in countries with weak/no governments, weak law enforcement, and unpaid or low-paid public employees), you will not likely be coming up with new, innovative inventions. Let’s not forget all the basic research that enables this “innovation” to take place — with most of that being funded by good ol’ taxpayers, not private industry.
Where you and I disagree is that you seem to think that “socialism” and “capitalism” are two disparate systems; I think the two are absolutely essential for the other to exist successfully — it is a symbiotic relationship.
BTW, where in the world did you get the idea that I was opposed to entrepreneurial enterprise or education? I come from a long line of educators and college graduates, and have always emphasized learning for the sake of learning (one of the many reasons we homeschool, BTW).
There is a HUGE difference between entrepreneurial enterprise where someone creates or improves upon a good/service vs. leveraged speculation. A HUGE difference. I favor the former and oppose the latter because it drains money from the economy while not providing any material benefits to society.
Going to Vegas and throwing $100K on red is “taking risks,” but I fail to see how that should entitle someone to any kind of reward. You and I define “risk” differently, and we differ on what we feel is beneficial vs. detrimental to society as far as those “risks” are concerned.
I also have to comment on your persistence that “rich” people take risks, as if they do so with their own money. The most successful speculators rarely use their own money; they usually borrow it or obtain it from suckers in some kind of “investment” scheme.