If you read the line at the bottom of the article, it says “Farrell is with Scribe Communications” — Christie Farrell was credited with writing the article.
If you go to the Scribe Communications web page, you’ll see that Scribe is a PR firm.
“Scribe Communications is highly regarded for its expertise in strategic communications planning, publicity, media relations, crisis communications and reputation management.
Scribe is an expert on San Diego. Because of its long-standing reputation as an honorable community citizen, Scribe has developed a strong network of contacts, primarily within the news media but also among city leadership.
Scribe provides strategic connections in order to:
Keep the clients’ name and services top of mind with the targeted demographic.
Deliver key messages, through the media, that help bolster client branding.
Positively influence both consumers’ and media’s opinions.
Provide high level coverage in print, broadcast, Web and alternative media.”
Looks like they are providing the “crisis communication” of their services for the Del Sur community 🙂