SAMPLE LETTER – If you are at a loss for words, copy the following letter into the email you send to your Representative, and be sure to include your rep’s name and your name and location before sending 🙂
Dear X Representative,
Please do not support the efforts to bail out subprime
borrowers with my tax dollars. As a responsible citizen, I
do not feel it is right for you to ask me to pay for other
peoples’ financial mistakes, especially since a bailout
encourages sleazy lenders to keep on making predatory loans,
with the assumption that taxpayers are on the hook.
I appreciate the goal of helping people to have access to
housing, but the proposed subprime bailout will only reward
people who acted irresponsibly, and it will punish people
who work hard and diligently manage their finances by not
buying houses which they cannot afford.
The housing market has begun a process of correction. This
is necessary in order to keep housing affordable in the
long-term. Let the market correct so we can achieve
stability again, and people are able to save and afford the
house of their dreams over time. That really is the true
American Dream.