If that’s your idea of a rebuttal, I hope you’re not a lawyer. Allow me to tighten up your drivel:
Since one may find a republican on campus, then a university is not a steaming pile of liberalism.
You conveniently skip the Roseland/Rezko connection.
Being President of Harvard Law Review imputes something, I’m not sure what. It’s hardly a job. My view of HLS is nothing short of unimpressed.
He didn’t have any clients at the practice or try any cases because he was a stooge for more senior lawyers.
He went from visiting lecturer/fellow to being offered tenure at UofC all without publishing so much as an oped. I guess that whole publish or perish thing is history. He was by then of course a state senator. I’m shocked to see a Chicago politician offered a sinecure.
Now the State Senate years are a mystery, since there are no records, none, nada. All we really know is that he carried water for Rezko, and was present on a number of occasions.
He’s led the life of a privileged parasite. From prep school through two private universities, to the toniest law school in the land, he never flipped a burger. Since then, he’s never had to be accountable for a bottom line. That would make him unqualified for MOST grown up work.