I’d keep it. My parents and their parents always tended to do well buying and holding long term and it always blew my mind when they told me what they paid for it, but it was always followed up with the ol..”that was a lot of money back then though!”. It is so easy to get swept up in the short term and end up ripping the golden gooses head off when there are many more golden eggs to be laid. I’m sure someone will tear me a new one for saying so, but I wanted to tell you what I would do if I was in your shoes.
I just think that no matter what numbers, charts or people say. Demand will stay strong in San Diego because want to live in here regardless the cost to do so. I have so many friends that have threatened to leave a number of times and never seem to do so.
Additional considerations:
Did you enjoy the process of buying the home? Would you want to do it again in 1-3 years if you move back?
Is the new job good enough to justify having an investment property in SD for potential tax advantages?
Also…I would not worry about the tax free aspect on your gains. If you decide to sell after you move you can just 1031 exchange the gains into another property to avoid the taxes anyways.
Good luck with your decision, but that is what I would do and consider!