I’d guess Denver/Colorado Springs have alot to offer if you don’t mind the cold or overbearing religious groups. The Denver airport is new-ish and is a United hub, I believe. Skiing in the winter. Mountain camping in the Summer. Lakes not too far.
Seattle is nice, too, though probably less sunny than Denver.
I’d live in Tucson or Phoenix, but the heat makes those a tough sell for most. If you are indoors all day in the Summer, have a pool at the house, and drive a white car, life isn’t too bad. And the winters are superb. Beware of pollen and dust in the Spring. It’s a hidden down-side of the desert that only those who have allergies can truly hate.
I’m not familiar with anything in the East, but the few visits I have made always remind me of “nice place to visit, wouldn’t want to live there.”